When good things happen, shine Jesus’ light!

When good things happen, shine Jesus’ light!

Shout with joy to the Lord, all the earth!” –Psalm 100:1
We had more kids show up today that weren't here Monday or Tuesday.

Today we learned about our moon. Although other planets have more than one, we have 1 beautiful moon that orbits earth. 24 people have traveled to see the moon, but only 12 people have walked on the moon. The moon reflects the sun's lights, just like we reflect the light of Christ.
In Bible Adventures, everyone learned about how Jesus entered Jerusalem as a king Luke 19:28-40. They did so with a parade for Jesus.
In games, the crews worked together to pass water from one bucket to another. They had to fill a cup and pass it down the line until they filled up the other bucket. This helped them work together and see good things happen.
They also learned in Imagination Station how things float and fly. They also used air to shoot off mini rockets.

To help protect the privacy of our children, the pictures below cannot be downloaded. If you see a picture of your child you'd like, we'd love to share it with you. You can text or email Pastor Faith. You can also look for her at closing ceremony, on Facebook, or at the Family worship night Friday.
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