When people are sad, shine Jesus’ light!

When people are sad, shine Jesus’ light!

Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God.” –John 14:1
Today, we talked about the sun and how important it is. Most importantly, we talked about what to do when a friend is sad. We can help our friends and show God's love when we cheer them up.
In Bible, the kids learned from John 19–20 about how Jesus helped his mother. She was sad when he was about to die. He didn't think about himself, but about her even though he was struggling. We also learned how Jesus' light can never be extinguised, even by death.
During Imigation Station, we looked at what a black hole is, and how it absorbes everything into it, including light. To explore this more, we did an experiment with a candle, glass, and colored water to see how a black hole works.
As a real-life example of bringing people joy, the kids watched a video about a family of illusionists and their amazing tricks.

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